Making our way home :(

Left Sucia a little sad. Such a beautiful place. We'll be back for sure.
Decided to make a stop off at deer harbor on orcas island. Been a long time since we have been there and we needed to top up on water.
There are hundreds of forest fires burning in BC and the whole channel is smoky. Made for crappy weather. Shame as the forecast was bright hot sun but the smoke won. Bit miserable, but was kind of nice to get a break from the heat.
It's obvious how much prettier things look in the sun though. The islands we motored past looked less attractive than they did just a few days before.


Deer harbor staff were great. We radioed in asking for a temp tie up. They met us at the outer dock. Helped with lines, offered power for us to use for free and of course we filled up with water. I asked how long we could stay, 'as long as you want'
These guys were maybe the friendliest staff of the trip. Left them a nice tip 🙂
We considered staying at deer harbor. But there's really not a lot going on, there used to be a cool barge art gallery here but it's gone now, been gone for years I think.

We decided to go stay on the hook at Lopez island in Fishermans bay. Never been there before and it got us headed in the right direction for home.
The entrance to Fishermans bay is a winding channel with depths of just 5 feet either side, and super narrow. Zoomed in on the plotter we had little more than a boat width either side to stay in the dredged channel. Was a little spooky watching the depth sounder hit 8 feet. We draw around 6. But we snaked our way in following the buoys that marked the channel and dropped the anchor. This is supposed to be good holding in mud in very shallow water but the anchor didn't seem to want to bite so reset and we were good.

We took the dingy in to the marina to tie up. Got yelled at by a guy on his boat for making to much wake. Was totally fair. Wasn't really paying any attention and we were going too fast. He came over and shouted at us as we were tying up. All crazy. He was totally in the right so I was super nice and apologized. He didn't really seem to know what to do to that and just said 'oh ok' and turned and went. I think he was expecting a big argument. Some times it's just easier to be the nice guy.

To be honest I found this the least attractive anchorage of the trip. Maybe it was the hazy smoked up skies. Just seemed less pretty than all the other places.
We docked the dinghy at the islander resort. They have a restaurant, pool, bar right on the water. But again just felt a bit ugh.
It was a 1 mile walk into town. Which was nice and Lopez village was super cute we had dinner at the Haven which was pretty good and right on the water. We lucked out and got a table on the patio overlooking the sea while a wild rabbit messed around on the grass in front of us. Nice night.

Great little bakery for breakfast too with an amazing Rueben pastry like a cinnamon bun. Must eat if you visit !

The dog is exhausted. I think two weeks of swimming and running and digging rocks has nearly done him in. In fact he has a pretty bad limp at the minute. So he'll be glad to get home and chill if he sees water he just can't help himself and swims and swims. But that morning he was knackered.

Tide was super low in the bay. Note if you tie up your paddle board remember they have a fin…

That guy clearly didn't 🙂

Left in the afternoon to Port Townsend. The Marina in town was full but we managed to get a spot in Boat Haven marina which is about a mile out of town. I've been there before and didn't love it. But I was too lazy to have to bring the dinghy down off the flybridge again and wanted to get going in the morning to get home.
Decided to walk in to town but didn't make it as we passed a bar called the pourhouse that had what sounded like a great band playing. We stopped for a drink that turned into all night. Great choice of different beers and you could order food in from the Thai, Vietnamese or Pizza place and they deliver it to your table. Super cool. This place was fantastic, yet again right on the water with its own
Little beach right in front and the band, jackalope saints were brilliant. Kind of country music that I normally think is rubbish but these guys were really good ( you can find them on Spotify and iTunes) ended up being a great last night.

Left around 9.30 to head to Kingston to fill up then home.
Man was it foggy. First fog we've seen on the trip and thank god for radar. I had been playing with the radar. It's an old one and I need a new one but it's never real until you can't see. It actually worked great. At one point we were down to virtually no visibility but we could see all the boats on the radar. We hailed one boat on the radio as he was on the same course as us and I could see him on radar and AIS but couldn't see his boat at all. It came into view as we were just a few hundred feet away. But we had agreed he would stay his course and we would pass on the starboard. No drama just good boating. I kind of enjoyed the heavy fog. It's nice to use the gear you have. And AIS is a beautiful thing. I wish all boats had it.

Ok this first one appears a little worse than it really was..

But this gives a pretty realistic picture…

Fun times sad to be going home.
Decided to open her up as we closed on shilshole just to clear her throat 🙂

Was pretty happy with a fully loaded 60 footer, full of 800 gallons of diesel and 200 gallons of water hitting a nice clip. Man she sounds like a jet airplane as she comes up on the revs..

Can't wait to get out on the water again already.