Sucia Islands.. To die for

Well I have always had Sucia on my list and it's always been just a little too far away to get to in the time we had. This trip it was a must do. I've heard so much about it, people raving about the Sucia Islands, how beautiful they are and even in Friday Harbor everyone I met was headed there. Literally everyone I spoke to!
So if I am honest I was expecting to be disappointed.
I wasn't.
The islands are sandstone and carved by the sea over the years they jut out in amazing shapes. There are apparently fossils everywhere that you are forbidden to remove. The island has fingers that create bays, some small, some pretty big and they are all connected by walking trails. You can only get there by boat of course and it's the most northerly part of the San Juans. We picked Echo bay to anchor. It's the largest bay butbhas a great steep beach so you can beach the dink and step of the bow without getting wet. There is a dock in one of the other bays which makes for a cleaner dinghy when getting the dog on and off but I wanted to be on anchor and chill. We planned to stay two nights.
As we entered echo bay there were maybe 35 boats either anchored or on buoys. Sounds a lot but it's a long wide bay and there was more room than in most anchorages. We got close to the base of the bay near the beach and dropped the hook. Good holding here, we were set in 2 minutes.
Here's the dink on the beach, you can just about see the boat in the middle almost directly behind the dinghy.

The water is so amazingly clear here. There are literally thousands of different coloured stones on the beach. And the water was warm. Well for the pacific north west at least.

We even picked fresh seaweed which we fried with garlic later. To be honest wasn't that nice. But it's very green.

View from the rear down the bay and then forward to the sunset.

Stunning rock formations

There was a huge forest fire in BC and so the sky was overcast. Apparently the smoke made it all the way to Seattle. I can only imagine the sunset if it was clear skies.
Ok this next pic is crap but I had to include it because it took my Breath away.
As we rounded a large rock in the dink, going very slow as there were huge rocks under water either side of us and we were in explore mode we opened into a bay that was full of seals and then suddenly from a cut away in the rock the largest bald eagle launched itself and flew by us. It was just above the water and maybe twenty feet feet from the boat. Amazing.

We cruised around a lot on the dinghy. It's just so beautiful and made it back just in time to catch the sun setting…

And that brings us to today. We left around noon on the dinghy to go all around the island. And as we left the bay we were met by about 6 dolphins (porpoises I guess if I am being accurate)

And then we entered the channel between little Sucia and fox cove and found a little gem of a tiny beach. sandy beaches are rare in this area and this baby one had shells, sand and a streak of clear blue water. it was beautiful. we beached and i facetimed my mom and dad to show them.

And tonight we walked over to shallow bay. Which is a few steps through the woods from where we beach the dinghy. This is the sunset bay and I may anchor here next time just for that. Despite the haze from the smoke it wasn't bad at all

Leave tomorrow. I'll be back. You could spend a week here just soaking it up.